Hello Everyone,
The HN Kansai meetup for June 2016 is back in Osaka.
Cybozu Osaka
Osaka Kita-ku Kakuda-cho 8-1, Umeda Hankyu Building Office Tower, 35th Floor
〒530-0017 大阪府大阪市北区角田町8番1号 梅田阪急ビルオフィスタワー 35階
- Find the Umeda Hankyu Department Store Building
- Go to the office tower entrance
- Take the elevator to the 15th floor
- Change for an elevator to the 35th floor
NOTE: access to the elevator is locked after 8pm. If you arrive later, please phone Sacha at 080 8721 0873
Meetups of Hacker News readers in Kansai (Japan) and all those who happen to be around.
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